中轴线之路 | 承载北京公共交通史上的“第一”

发布日期:2025-01-03 17:31    点击次数:138

  中轴线之路|承载北京公共交通史上的“第一”  发布时间:2024-01-08.  很多老北京人把中轴线叫成“中轴路”,这条贯穿南北的中轴线路,确实肩负着重要的交通功能,也拥有很多北京公共交通史上的“第一”。  Many old Beijingers call the Central Axis “the Central Axis Road.” The route running through the north and south of China’s capital Beijing indeed shoulders important transportation functions, and also boasts many “firsts” in the history of public transportation in Beijing.  北京第一条无轨电车线路  Beijing’s first trolleybus route  1957年,北京第一条无轨电车1路全线通车,使用的是新中国第一代国产无轨电车“京一型”。要说乘客对“京一型”最深刻的印象,要数那两条长长的“大辫子”,搭在空中电网上,为车辆供电,偶尔还会遇到“大辫子”脱轨,导致车辆被迫停运。  In 1957, Route No. 1, Beijing’s first trolleybus service, kicked off full operation, using China’s first-generation domestic trolleybuses known as “Type Beijing-1”.  The biggest impression the trolleybus had left on the passengers was its two long wires resembling “big braids.”They were attached to the power grid in the air to supply power to vehicles, and might occasionally encounter derailment,leading to the forced shutdown of vehicles.  “京一型”无轨电车陪伴了北京市民30多年,承载了那个时代人们的交通记忆。如今,“京一型”变身文创积木怀旧归来,让老一辈追忆往昔,让年轻一代了解历史,得以文化延续。  The “Type Beijing-1” trolleybus had served Beijing citizens for more than 30 years, carrying the traffic memory of people of that era. Nowadays, the trolleybus has made a nostalgic comeback in the form of cultural and creative building blocks, enabling the older generation to recall the past and the younger generation to learn more about history. In this way, the time-honored trolleybus culture lives on .  北京第一条公共汽车线路  Beijing’s first bus route  要说中轴线上最早的公交线路,5路公交车当仁不让,其历史可以追溯到1935年,采用的是T110型的道奇牌小客车,发动机前置形似一个大鼻子,也被俗称“大鼻子车”。  The earliest bus line along the Central Axisis Bus No.5, whose history can be traced back to 1935. It used T110 Dodge passenger vehicle, whose engine front looks like a big nose, thus gaining the nickname “Big-nose Bus.”  现在的5路公交车是福田牌混动公交车,动力也是时下特别流行的增程形式。5路公交车最早的线路是由东华门开往香山,后经过多次调整,目前延长为从菜户营桥至北土城公交线路。  Now the Bus No. 5 is a Foton hybrid busfueled by the particularly popular extended-range formof powersupply. The original route of Bus No. 5 was from Donghuamen to Xiangshan. After several adjustments, it has been extended to shuttle between Caihuying Bridge to Beitucheng.  沿着北中轴一路向北,就能看到奥林匹克公园;一路向南,穿梭在老城区的红墙绿瓦中,途径景山公园、故宫、天安门、前门、永定门等中轴线著名打卡景点,几乎与中轴线路完全重合,堪称“行走在中轴线上的最美公交”。  Running upwards along the north section of the Central Axis, one can see the Olympic Park. All the way south, the bus shuttles through the red walls and green tiles of the old city, passing through Jingshan Park, the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, Qianmen, Yongding Gate and other well-known scenic spots on the Central Axis. The route of Bus No. 5 almost completely coincides with the CentralAxis, thus it’s fair to call the ride “the most scenic bus route along the Central Axis.”  北京第一条快速公交线路  Beijing’s first bus rapid transit (BRT) route  北京首条快速公交线路也是沿着中轴线运行的。2004年12月25日,南中轴快速公交1线一期工程建成试运营,快速公交被称为“地面上的地铁”,很大程度上解决了人流密集区域的交通压力,也满足了游客快捷、便利的交通需求。同时,快速公交1号线也成为了中轴线文化宣传的一个窗口。车厢内展示各种中轴文化标语,让中轴线更加贴近老百姓的日常生活。  Beijing’s first BRT line also ran along the Central Axis. On December 25, 2004, the South Central AxisBRT Route 1wascompleted and put intotrial operation. BRT, known as the “subway on the ground,”greatly eases the traffic pressure in crowded areas, meeting the tourists’demands for fast and convenient transportation. At the same time, BRT Line 1 has also become a window for promoting the Central Axis. Various promotional messages of the Central Axis are displayed in the carriage, bringing the cultural heritage closer to the daily life of ordinary people.  从无轨电车到公共汽车,再到快速公交,行驶在中轴线上的公共交通不断更迭,承载着一代代人的记忆,更见证了中轴线、北京城和中国日新月异的变化和发展。  From trolleybuses to busesand BRT, the public transportation vehicles running along the Central Axis are constantly changing, carrying the memories of generations, and witnessing the ever-changing transformation and development of the cultural heritage, Beijing and China.     .  9001354  客户端中查看  手机中查看  分享